Library of Free Devotional Stories

The purpose of this website is to share the Word of God with as many people as possible.  Part of my Christian ministry is to write devotional stories with a strong Christian message, including a biblical reference.

Click below to access a library of free, downloadable devotional stories.  They are suitable for use in groups or for personal devotions.  All stories are originals written by Bruce Boyer.  The stories are organized by subject areas/topics, allowing you to find a story that fits your needs.

Available Devotional Books by Bruce Boyer

Bruce Boyer has written two devotional books, available for purchase through this website or from  Click below for more information about each book and/or to order an autographed copy of one or both of his books.

About the Author

Bruce Boyer is a member of Fountain of Life Lutheran Church and worked in the non-profit sector for 34 years.  He has served as an elder for nearly 15 years.  Prior to his professional employment, he worked as a counselor at summer camps, giving daily cabin devotions.  For more than 30 years he helped YMCA's develop its Christian emphasis, serving on the leadership team for Christian Leadership Conferences all across the country.  He strongly believes in sharing God's Word in everyday life.  One of the ways this is accomplished is through writing devotional stories.  This website provides contemporary stories for group settings or individual use.

This Week's Featured Devotion:  "I Do It Myself"

The young child wants to look more grown up and independent. He resists the parent's offer to help him do a task. The child uses the words, "I do it myself." He'll call on the parent for help with difficult tasks, but wants to do the easy tasks himself. Aren't we the same? Do we pick and choose what we ask God to do? Part of our thinking may also be that we want to do things our way. You can probably relate to this devotion.

Click Here to Read:  "I Do It Myself"


Complete Library of Hundreds of Devotional Stories:  Click here for list of stories by general topic.


Purpose of this Devotional Website

We live in a complicated world.  The life that God wants us to live is far different than what the world accepts as appropriate behavior.  The world appears to be different today than when Jesus walked the earth.  Many of the issues people faced 2,000 years ago are the same as today.  What we are experiencing, however, is a loosening of our moral fiber.  God's Word never changes.  They are etched in stone as non-negotiable.

As my own personal ministry I write devotional stories for use in today's contemporary times.  They use settings and examples that are in the news and our world today.  It is my goal to apply God's timeless teachings and commandments to show how they apply to us today.  I try to present the faith lessons in a non-threatening way but with a clear biblical basis.

Each week I add a new story to the library of devotional stories.  I hope you can utilize them as a personal devotion or in a group setting.

If you would like to receive the most recent stories as they are written there is a section on the home page for you to provide your email address.  I generally email them each weekend.

The stories on this website are not copyrighted.  Feel free to share them with others.  The goal is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with as many people as we can.  Join me in this ministry.

Individual Devotions on a Particular Topic:

Click here to view the complete library of hundreds of free, downloadable devotional stories organized by topic.  There are currently almost 120 topics to choose from, to meet your devotional needs.

Seasonal or Holiday Devotions

Click here for a list of devotions related to specific seasonal or holiday topics, including Advent/Christmas, Easter/Lenten Season, Father's Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Mother's Day, New Year, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day.

Series of Related Devotional Stories:

It's How You Play the Game: 3-part series on Christian Leadership based on the leadership style of Dean Smith

  • It's How You Play the Game (Part I)
  • It's How You Play the Game (Part II)
  • It's How You Play the Game (Part III)
  • Holy Moment Series: According to the book The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity, a Holy Moment is "when you are being the person God created you to be, and you are doing what you believe God is calling you to do in that moment."  The Matthew Kelly book encourages people of faith to differentiate themselves by living their faith by acts of service to help others, especially those who could not possibly return the favor.  I encourage you to read the book for a greater understanding of this important topic.  The book is copyrighted (Copyright@2018Kakadu, LLC).  My own devotional stories and Sunday School lesson use quotes from the book and is not copyrighted.

Four Part Devotional Series:  After reading this inspirational book I have developed a series of four devotions and a Sunday School lesson about the Holy Moment concept.  I will publish on this website one devotional story each of the next four weeks.

Sunday School Lesson:  I will also post a suggested Sunday School lesson with a teacher and participant guide.  My hope is that many churches would encourage their members to do Holy Moments in their community.  Together we can show our faith through our daily life.  Sunday School Lesson

Devotional 1:  Holy or Human

Devotional 2:  Uniting Christians

Devotional 3:  Hope for the World

Devotional 4:  One Person & One Community at a Time

A Great Resource of Stories

If you are looking for devotional stories that show its application in our world today, you have come to the right place.  Every faith lesson is based on one or more timeless biblical references.  God's Word never changes but the world in which we live does.  We need the wisdom of the Bible to keep us centered on Jesus Christ.  Check out our growing library of stories.  At least one new story is added each week.  The library is arranged by topic, so you can find the devotional story that fits your needs.